NEWS March 2016

Opening ceremony of March 04, 2016

Milestone Event – Opening Ceremony of the HELOG Campus
On March 4th 2016 Helog Academy officially opened and commenced training at the new Training facility established in Shiefflien Town, Liberia. The Vice President of Liberia, Joseph Nyumah Boakai cut through the tape to the entrance. In his speech he outpointed that HELOG Academy project falls in line with the government’s efforts to bridge the gap in youth employability.
The German ambassador Ralf Timmermann pointed out the necessity to implement the industry in the training process in order to copy proven elements of the German Dual System. Hon. Minister for Youth and Sports, Saah Charles N’tow welcomed the startup and expressed the urgency to educate the youth and make them fit for their future. He raised the hope that HELOG is copying this facility to other regions in the country.
Many other speakers send their compliments to the team of HELOG for this light house project. After the opening the guests took the opportunity to view the facility, its tools and equipment.



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