NEWS February 2016
Finally we could start the training with 28 happy students
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New teachers in HELOG Academy Liberia
We are proud to announce the appointment of new teachers to complete our college and meet our goals, at our training campus.
We very much value their impending contribution and support to this lighthouse project.
Welcome in our team!
All our teachers are highly experienced in TVET, holding all required certificates and are up-to-date in modern teaching.
For more: see organizational chart => About HELOG
Accreditation of HELOG Academy Liberia
The government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Education, has accredited HELOG Academy Liberia, as a Liberian TVET training facility. The audit was performed by Hon. Dep. Minister Dukuly on the 04th February, 2016.
Hon. Asst. Min. Dukuly, expressed his high appreciation for such unique project and confirmed the ongoing support of the Ministry.
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