HELOG Academy

Vocational training in developing countries

Universal recognition of value and importance of public education as the foundation of democracy and human wellbeing is one of the crowning achievements of the 20th century. This recognition is captured in the vision of Education for All and the 5th Millennium Development Goals.

Yet in so many parts of the world, education remains a privilege of the elite. So many people who need education lack access, especially high quality technical education that will enable them to earn a decent living. In many developing countries the will to change this situation is unbending, but resources are limited and the need for Private-Public-Partnership (PPP) is greater than ever before. This is why HELOG Academy is offering to partner with Governments to introduce a much needed program in industrial engineering as part of an overall vision to expand quality TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training) programs.

TVET, especially the proposed industrial engineering programs, is critically important at this time in most of the developing countries.

Some Governments significantly expanded enrolment in primary and secondary education, yet the quality of programs are stunted due to the lack of adequate resources. There is a growing mass of young people who graduate from high school and are neither engaged in further education, employment or training (NEET). Currently, approx. 60 % of young people who graduate from primary school and the same number of high school graduates fall within the NEET category. This group poses serious challenges to future economic prosperity, political stability and security of the nation.





Taking a look at the African states economy, a prospective outlook is expected for the next years which will generate thousands of new jobs especially for skilled people in industry and services. Unfortunately, the lack of skilled technical workers is already an obstacle for the future growth.

A key deficit in the development of skills and competency based training is the lack of credible vocational training standards and benchmarks for the unskilled and semi-skilled workforce. At the same time, thousands of young people are unemployed, unqualified and without any sustainable living perspective due to a lack of professional orientation and training. Thus, the improvement of quality, flexibility and availability of solid formal TVET is the fundamental goal of HELOG.

HELOG Academy Liberia intends to take action in providing basic technical training in the fields of metal processing and mechanical engineering. The project aims at young male, but also young female school leavers who so far have no chance to achieve a professional qualification. Above all, technically interested young people from low-income families may benefit from the training and income opportunities meaning that they can improve the conditions of their lives characterized by unemployment and poverty.

Educated children win by getting better jobs and outcome