Flashlight #18 – Orientation course for Master Trainser; new Building

Dear valuable Reader,

we have some news for you:

 Orientation course for Master Trainer

In preparation for the training project for MedLife Ltd. in rural areas, see Flashlight number 17, „Helog Academy“ has held an orientation course for Master Trainers at its training center in Schiefflien as well as in the newly built farm building in Tomato Camp. Eleven participants from the Gbanga region received an introduction to the goals of MedLife, the importance of growing rice efficiently with modern machinery and the planning for future training. The training concept envisages that most of the training measures will be carried out on site at the farmers. A duration of two years is planned. Over this period, a total of around 200 farmers are to be trained in soil cultivation machines, rice planting and harvesting machines. This is a develoPPP project which is financed in equal parts by MedLife Ltd. and GIZ.


New building for training and maintenance

The new farm building of MedLife Ltd. will be finished soon. This building will house a meeting room, a large workshop, a threshing hall, rooms for spare parts and equipment, an office, and modern sanitary facilities for visitors, course participants and employees. It is important for Helog to have a large workshop where all the technical equipment can be stored and where the training of the farmers on the machines and technical equipment can be carried out optimally. The start of the training course is planned for April. By then the building should be completely finished. Only the solar pump water supply will be completed in May, because the well has to be built before. The water supply is planned for a large volume (3000 ltr./day) to supply the company building, water for the nursery and drinking water for the local population. The entire sanitary facilities as well as the solar pump system were supplied by Helog and will be installed by Helog technicians. Unfortunately, the corona situation makes this task very difficult for us. But we are optimistic and hope that we will be able to do it in time with a lot of improvisation talent.



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