NEWS January 2016


Quite recently, upon a formal application” Labdoo,” has confirmed to support HELOG Academy TVET programs, with Laptops to optimize the broad range of courses the academy offers. This is a great benefit to our students and a large step to provide modern education tools.

Labdoo, thank you very much indeed!

LABDOO is a humanitarian social network joined by people around the world who want to make our planet a better place, by providing those in underdeveloped regions (both in the developing and the developed world) a chance to a better education. The goal of the social network is to send unused laptops, eBook readers, tablet-PCs and any device, which can be loaded with education software to needy schools around the world using collaboration and without incurring any economic or environmental costs.
Please visit >>>>




Elevational viewNEW at HELOG ACADEMY

12 month training for the job profile:

“Maintenance Engineer”

Modular Summary Vocational Training

Dual System Education


HELOG Academy in Liberia

The Helog Academy in partnership with state organizations and private sector institutions is responding to the urgent need to train industrial mechanics, maintenance engineers, building construction, etc. over the next decade. In addition to the 12 months program, “Industrial Mechanics,” which Helog has recently started is designed to address the death of skilled and competent technicians who are capable of operating efficient industrial processes, required by companies to be globally competitive.
HELOG developed this market driven concept to roll out quality twelve (12) months of technical and Vocational Education suited to the conditions of Liberia, with global standards training in a summary program. It’s HELOG’s contribution to these circumstances and the development of the job profile „Maintenance Engineer“. The total training consists of
– 2 months of theoretical training in the beginning including review of the entry knowledge, teaching in basic disciplines, preparing for the technical training.
– 6 months comprehensive technical instruction in the school workshop. Modular system.
– 4 months divided into 6 blocks internship training in dedicated companies.
– Examination in theoretical knowledge, technical skills and crafting of a work sample.

The aim of this qualification is to enable the Maintenance Engineer to either continue with supplementary courses to become “Industrial Engineer” or to return to the world of work. In most cases the companies who provide internship position are keen to employ these highly qualified workers.

More: Visit  = > “Additional courses”.


NEWS December 2015

See the progress we made at our site:



NEWS November 2015

See the progress we made on our construction site:
