Flashlight #1
HELOG Academy has opened its new training facility in Liberia.
HELOG Academy e. V. is proud to announce the opening of its new academy in Liberia.
Vice President Boakai (see picture left), Hon. Min. of Youth and Sports, the German Ambassador and other speakers have expressed the importance of technical and vocational education during the opening and commencement ceremony in Liberia. By creating this private modern facility and the unique training concept, HELOG fills a gap in vocational education.
The current program started in January 2016 training 28 students over a duration of 18 months whereby after completion students will be certified as Industrial Mechanics. The course is based on dedicated elements of the German Dual System with reputable partners from the Liberian industry. State of the art equipment and tooling, well designed curriculums as well as modern IT infrastructure sets the grounds for each student to upgrade skills to international standards.
Opening ceremony of the new HELOG Academy campus
NEXT: Enhance the knowledge of teachers and the introduction of new technologies, like “Train the Trainer” courses, will be held within the next 2 months. These educational courses will be offered for our own teaching staff as well as interested parties from other organizations and governmental training institutions
NEW: A new standardized training concept is almost ready to be launched. Please find a short overview below, more details can be send on request or follow our next “Flashlight”.
Title: Maintenance engineer
Duration: 12 months
- Local dual qualification with German Dual System elements.
- 2 months theoretical training,
- 8 months basic mechanical training, including one introductory day per month (in collaboration with selected companies operating in Liberia).
- 2 months specializations on:
agricultural equipment,
heavy machinery,
others on request - We provide state of the art tooling and technical equipment
- Module based learning, in small learning groups
- Number of students: 90-100 per course
- Set up time: 4 month only
Interested in our ideas? Follow our project and continue reading our “Flashlight”!
The students of the HELOG Academy “Industrial Mechanic” course
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